Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Be Still and Know That I Am God

I had goose bumps when I first heard about the horrific tragedy in Boston yesterday.  To think that once again, a senseless act of hatred, terrorism or just plain craziness has touched our soil or any soil on this earth, saddens me to no end. I do not understand it at all.  I do not understand this kind of hatred and insanity.  I say insanity, because there is no way that a sane person could do something like this.  I cannot explain the craziness, nor am I using this as an excuse.  I do know that we have to be careful that how we respond to these things, is not just as crazy. 

I saw a few posts on Facebook that disturbed me even more than this horrific tragedy.  Some suggest that our loving God is "allowing" these tragedies or natural disasters or corruptness because He wants to bring us to our knees and reach for him.  And suggesting that it will only get worse until we do, is ludicrous.  God does not "punish" us by killing innocent people. And the idear that He would kill innocent children, is beyond my comprehension. Certainly, we can hope and pray that out of this tragedy will come some good.  And certainly, much of the good will probably come because people will turn to one another and God for comfort and direction.  I do think that we can use this tragedy for good.  But, please do not blame God for this tragedy. My heart breaks for everyone who was there or had someone there.  However, can you imagine knowing you lost a loved one and believing that God was the reason that happened?  God is there to comfort and love, not to punish.  God loves each and everyone of us. Even those who are responsible for this tragedy.  His love is unconditional.  Pray for those who have suffered and died.  Pray for those who have lost loved ones.  Pray for those who are responsible and for those who will hunt them down.  Pray for those who will arrest and prosecute them.  Pray that God will once again bring us through this great tragedy and make our lives, our country and our world a better and more loving place to be. 

Be still for a moment and listen to the voice of God who loves beyond all else. 

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