It is hard for me to imagine anything about Grace, Gratitude or the Labyrinth in that title, but since it is just days before our election process and because I am simply fed up with it all, I am going to write. I am writing, to vent if nothing else. However, I think we can all find a bit of grace and gratitude in all things and the labyrinth...well, life is a journey.
I had to wait until I was 21 to vote and have always taken my privilege seriously. I am not saying that I always know every last detail about a candidate's qualifications, platform or direction, but I am a fairly informed voter. I like to hear what other people think and why. I am a registered Democrat and yes, I am more liberal than conservative and I am more left than right. However, I do not vote a straight ticket as a Democrat. I have voted for a Republican President on occasion and I have voted for numerous local Republican candidates. I vote for the person that I believe has the best qualifications and is going to lead our government in the direction I see as the best.
I enjoy listening to others about their choice. I think it is important to learn as much as possible about a candidate. I am rarely 100% in agreement with 100% of the issues "my favorite" candidate stands for. There always seems to be some issue floating around in a particular platform that I just don't agree with. However, if "my favorite" has less of those issues than the other candidate, well...I will still probably vote for "my favorite". The other candidate may stand for an issue that I am totally in favor of, but if most other areas he/she doesn't, well...I am probably going to vote for "my favorite". I am strong in my opinions and beliefs, but I am always open to listening.
One thing I simply do not like is the lies that people put out on TV commercials. They do this because they know that there are people who are in their corner and they will not research the issue to make sure it is true. They will believe it simply because they say it. Another thing I don't like is people using social media, like Facebook to bash and slam the opponent of whomever they have decided they are against. That doesn't change my mind, it only strengthens my belief. It angers me that people can be so cruel and divisive. At the very least, check your facts and make sure they are 100% truth before you claim to "know" that a particular candidate is this or that.
I am so frustrated with candidates who change their story, depending on who they are talking to. Next to out and out lying, that is the most divisive act out their politically. I am so frustrated that people use religion to hold up their convictions. If we use that in the name of a particular church and doctrine or just in the name of God or Jesus, then we need to really know what the Bible and all that doctrine truly means. Do we take a stand on everything or do we pick and choose the one that our "favorite" stands for. Let's just use abortion, which is a hot item this election year. I am a sanctity of life person. I am a womb to tomb kind of person. That means I am against abortion, but I am also against every other form of "death" of a person. Meaning how that child is taken care of after birth. Do we have enough services available for that single Mom or Dad to be able to support that child physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially? Or are we ready to give the ax to many social programs that are there to provide a safety net? How do you feel about capital punishment? Sure, that man/woman did a horrific thing, but do we as a society have the right to take that life? Is it eye or eye or is it turn the other cheek or better yet, could it be rehabilitation or life incarceration. What about euthanasia? These are all areas of life and sanctity of it. Do I believe there are extenuating circumstances that should allow abortion? I am not sure. That's a real hard one for me. I can't see myself ever doing it and I would hope my children and grand-children would never choose it, but I have not walked in the shoes of the woman who was raped or someone who is a victim of incest or a woman whose life is in danger if she chooses to continue her pregnancy. This is between each person and God, not our government. And what about all the hub bub about same sex marriages and homosexuality? Do I understand homosexuality? No, I do not. I think it would be extremely difficult for a heterosexual to understand it. I am sure even the parent or sibling or relative of someone who is homosexual would have a hard time with it. But again, I have not walked in their shoes. My understanding is that there is nothing in the New Testament that declares this to be a sin. There is something in Corinthians that some use as their defense against it, but it is also explained the words used are not exactly the words that would be used if this is the message St. Paul really wanted to convey. We lose a whole lot in what has been translated numerous times over the years. So, these two areas are very gray at best to be used as a platform for politics and really, why on earth should the government have anything to say about these issues. Both are extremely personal and if you really have a problem with them, why not go to your Pastor or Priest or Rabbi? Why on earth should the decision about the President of the United States or any other political office be determined by either of these issues?
What I want to know is how is this candidate going to bring our country out of this recession and I don't think it is going to be overnight and I am not sure anyone can even do it in another four years. Don't blame the current candidate for what the prior one did and expect him to turn things around overnight. How are you going to take care of the needy? And I don't mean a life long handout. I mean a safety net, a hand up not a handout. For all the Bible Thumpers out there...remember to cloth the naked, feed the hungry, give to the poor. He never said anything about keeping your coffers full. In fact, He said to sell all your belongings and "follow me". That's one that I think a lot of people have trouble with. They can easily make the decision that He didn't really mean it that way...something is lost in translation. Of course it is.
Well, I have certainly vented long enough. This blog is for my grand-kiddos when they are old enough to want to know how their grandmother felt about faith, religion, beliefs, politics, world issues, global warming, life's journey and living the questions. I have already sent in my early ballot and I am so glad that I did. I am not sure if my candidates will win or not. It sounds like it is going to be a close race. I just pray that the man who becomes our President next week will be of sound mind and gentle heart. I pray that he is a man who looks to God for guidance and also looks to others for guidance. This is a big job. I personally don't know how anyone of sound mind would ever even want to be President. You are never going to please everyone and you are probably going to have more against you than for you. I will pray for you Mr. President, whoever you may be. God Bless You. Keep our country safe. I have a couple grand-kiddos that I want to see grow up in a safe and prosperous country that is generous with what it has to give. God Bless that I love...stand beside us and guide us...
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